Burning world news. Photo by Matheus Bertellinewspaper-burning-in-hands-of-young-woman-13871563

Holy shit the goings on in the world right now are weighing heavy.  

War, corrupt politicians, misinformation gahhhhhh!

October 14, 2023 and holy fuck the crazy in the world is strong.

War in Ukraine as Putin continues terrorizing the people of both regions for his own warped ego. Throwing Russians out as if they are disposable to fight against Ukraine just trying to retain it's independence as a country. They know too well the price of being owned by Russia and want no part of it. Meanwhile the support of the world is required to keep the Russians back. The "conservatives" want this stopped and often siding with Russia. The fact is we can't stop because if Russia makes it to Poland or other NATO country that's WW3. Supplying Ukraine with tools to fight keeps the rest of the world in NATO from sending our own to fight.  

The Israel/Palestine conflict is heart wrenching. It was a mess before this latest strike and that has escalated the blood lust to a fevered pitch. I doubt the average public will ever know what really happened that one of the most highly ranked defense systems in the "Iron Dome" happened to fail. Did Hamas happen to get intel on how to get past it? From all reports it seems they never saw it coming. And that in itself smells like a steaming pile right there. 

I saw this video by Dr. Maté last yesterday that broke it down well and from his perspective as a Jew who lived through the holocaust but also his eyes wide open acknowledgement of the land being given away by those who had no right to give it. It makes as much sense to me as thinking I could return to the home of my ancestors and expect the current owners to allow me to move in while they move out.   

Dr. Gabor Maté Speaks Out on Israel and Palestine: A Must-Watch Discussion 

Canadian poli and CPC corruption. Finally there is an RCMP investigation into the Doug Ford corruption. I can only hope that they dig deep and bring his back room deals to light. The Greenbelt, the 413 highway to nowhere that nobody wants, Ontario Place Therme Spa fiasco, undercutting and his push to privatization of healthcare. Danielle Smith and her brand of crazy in Alberta. If you can't see her trying to grab the CPP dollars and squandering them stealing them from the people you are blind. The crazy of the convoy people finally in court and I hope they get the book thrown at them for the cost to the country and the damage to the people they terrorized during their occupation. Let's not leave out Skippy the head liar spewing hate and division ever time he opens his mouth. The media not fact checking and calling out the bullshit is a big reason we (the world) is where it is at today. Media Malpractice!  

US poli - so much to say here but taking a break. 

Aussie vote yes was over shadowed by racists voting no.